Tuesday, April 8, 2014

why i don't mind if this corner is small

the world of blogging can be a world of platform. share my post! blog for revenue! ads on my sidebar! become instagram famous! i don't think there is anything wrong with it, but i think there can be a danger to being sucked in.

i mean, if that's your thing, cool. you do you. more than ever i feel that phrase is true and perfect all the way down to my toes. you do you.

but... this is my blog and i get to talk about my opinions here, so i get to talk about what i want to ;)

i see so many "big bloggers" talk about that they are honest with their readers. raw. that they cherish not putting up appearances.

but isn't that what you did to make it big? in most cases? put up appearances?

these same bloggers that flaunt honesty and say they are happy being a mess flaunt their perfect marriage, and well clothed kids, smooth weekends filled with fun, and big money vacations. they talk about topics they won't cover (like religion. and marriage problems). and i get that.

i do.

but where i come from, that isn't raw and owning your mess. that's hiding things that aren't that pretty. sometimes to keep privacy, sure. but a lot of times to gain readership and not alienate anyone.

to me that isn't really that honest.

now let me be clear, if things are triggering for you or you are protecting the privacy of others, absolutely don't talk about certain things. for me, in this space, i won't really be talking about my daughter, for instance. for her privacy. and i think that's fine.

but when you wave honesty like your banner flag, but paint your life perfect? i don't get it. but i know it gets you readers and all those sponsors you say you don't live for, but evidence shows otherwise. don't label something one way, when that isn't what it is at all.

and maybe your life really is that perfect.

and maybe it's just my jealousy talking, because at this point my life doesn't look like that. not one bit.

but i'll be content sitting over here in my small corner of the internet. it may not grow to be anything special, but it will be where i'll be honest and write my heart. write while i sit in the sewer water mess of my life that touches everything, even if only a little bit. sometimes the water even rises and touches the pretty things, and nothing looks glossy.

and that's fine with me.


  1. Yes. All the yes. So much yes.

  2. In reality no one's life looks like that and it's sooo frustrating when I find myself thinking "why are my outfits not that put together?" or "why is my life not that awesome?" Internet envy is a bitch.

  3. i agree.
    90% of the time people claiming to be honest really do not embrace honesty.
    there is definitely a level of how much you share with the blog world, some things (for security purposes) should b left private, then other things...just be honest nad real about it. we all struggle, all fail, all have issues...the more honest you are the more you relate with others.
